Media + Speaking

Thia Lutich

Confidence Cultivator, Education Advocate, Academic Support Coach, Child Whisperer

Empower Your Child With The Gift of Confidence

Thia teaches families in raising confident kids and teached tools to have deeper connections by their families so that they can thrive in and out of school.  There are so many gaps that our kids experience that schools simply cannot fill. Thia works intimately with individuals, families, and groups to fill these gaps by increasing their social and emotional well-being, and helping parents raise truly confident kids.

Thia creates a safe place to talk about the struggles of parenting without feeling judged. She helps them navigate situations that come up with schooling, figure out why their child is acting in a certain way, and create confidence in themselves and their children to handle difficult situations. 

Thia speaks and writes on the following topics:

Interested in booking Thia to speak with your audience? Please email Thia directly at:

Thia Lutich is an Elementary Education Academic Expert and Child Confidence Coach who empowers parents to raise confident kids and have deeper connections within their families so that they can thrive in and out of school.

Thia has been called the “child whisperer” because she understands kids’ language, who they are and what they need as an individual. She has the unique gift of translating the secret language back to parents by offering clear strategies that work.

Thia lives in Arizona with her husband and 2 daughters. Learn more about Thia at:

Thia Lutich is an Elementary Education Academic Expert and Child Confidence Coach who empowers parents to raise confident kids and have deeper connections within their families so that they can thrive in and out of school. Her mission is to create an everlasting impact on kids and families that live across the globe through making children feel loved, safe and truly seen and heard.

As a child, Thia struggled in school and had to repeat the first grade. Having navigated a variety of childhood traumas, Thia had to learn how to develop confidence and regulate emotions. After working hard to complete high-school, Thia eventually enrolled in college, transferring to Arizona State University and graduating Cum Laude. She has taught virtually and in person and was the top requested teacher of the PreK-8th grade private school she worked at. She now helps other children navigate their own challenges with her academic and social/emotional coaching.

Thia has been called the “child whisperer” because she understands kids’ language, who they are and what they need as an individual. She has the unique gift of translating the secret language back to parents by offering clear strategies that work.

Thia lives in Arizona with her husband and 2 daughters and when she’s not working you can find her sipping Topo-Chico and spending time with her family. Learn more about Thia at:

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