What if…

….you could connect with your child and get them to communicate when a difficult situation arises?

Or, let me rephrase that …

What if…

Still interested, KEEP READING

I believe that while our kids didn’t come with a manual, we can connect with them, we can understand each other, and we have the skills to handle any issue that comes up.

My vision is to empower moms (and dads!) with tools and strategies on how to better connect with their families and children.

Let me tell you a bit of my story:

I was 5 years into my career, just beginning to see my gifts and talents and being recognized for my efforts. I also had an 18 month old and a 3 year old at home.

I adored my girls and everything I did was for them.
I had a painful pull of guilt every single day I left for work. My career was important to me and I knew I had to keep going.

So I kept going.

I would leave for work before the girls woke up, pour into everyone else’s child all day long, and then rush to get home at the end of the day to be with my children.

I would get the daily events recap from our wonderful nanny and say goodbye.

The door shut. Then it was me and the girls. And I was exhausted.

Exhausted from wearing a mask all day that portrayed I had everything together.

Exhausted from emotionally pouring into everyone else but myself.

Exhausted from the pull of wanting to be with my kids and wanting a career.

And I haven’t even seen my husband yet, and he needs me too.

The girls would be eager to play with me and I had nothing left for them.
I didn’t even know how to connect with them or be who they needed me to be. At least, that’s what I told myself.

That’s when the deep shame began to set.

How could I go to work and have incredible success with each family I worked with and “I suck” at home. 

I became anxious and depressed and judged everything I did.

As my self judgment and anxiousness increased, my mask at work became perfection. I was digging myself into a deeper isolated hole and I didn’t even know it.

Groundhog’s day was inevitable… wake up, kick ass at work, get home, go into robot mode until bedtime and do it all over the next day.

I finally decided to talk to my doctor who quickly prescribed anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds. They helped. I could finally breathe. And they also helped me to numb out.

My robot mode at home became a perfected numb robot and gave me what I wanted…to not deal with any of my feelings and struggles of all the roles I was playing.

With the medication came deeper feelings of shame and tormented self-talk that I was a fraud. “What is wrong with me!?” was a question on a daily repeat to myself.

I had it all together on the outside and on the inside I was ashamed and afraid to lose it all. I had doubts that my priorities were tangled, questioning myself constantly on what was more important, family or career.

Looking back on this painful time in my life, a time I actually didn’t acknowledge until now, I see so clearly now what I didn’t then.

There was nothing wrong with me.

I needed support.

When I connected with a community of like-minded women I began to feel empowered again.

How often do you hear “it takes a village to raise a child?”

While an old saying, it’s 1000% true! Raising a child takes a doctors, schools, family, and friends.

Here’s the issue … sometimes our family and friends don’t know how to support us with what we’re experiencing.

And that’s exactly why I created the…

The 3 month program that takes parents from unsure, isolated, and stressed to safe, connected, excited and empowered

You know that in order to show up fully each day for your family, you need to feel supported yourself. You need to fill your own cup.

Can you imagine coming together with other women and talking about real life, the hard stuff?

What would it be like if you made it ok to care for yourself? Gave yourself permission to not be at your best and let others support you when you needed it?

What would happen if you had a supportive community to turn to for strategies and techniques for your toughest parenting challenges?

The Empowered Parenting Community does exactly that!

This is a “no judgment” zone, we understand every situation with a tender heart.




Here’s what Kathryn said about the Empowered Parenting Community:

“I have less anxiety about parenting issues and have embraced your perspective of allowing kids to see that we are imperfect and human while opening lines of communication anyway. Honest parenting and acknowledgement to Lyla of my own struggles with my overbearing mom (as well as inviting her to give ideas for how I can best communicate) has really helped us.

I loved the group session I attended and wish my schedule permitted more. I felt something magic in that session as we brainstormed and built on ideas to overcome our collective struggles as moms.

I am more authentic with Caleb and Lyla. As they grow into the teen years, this will be priceless. ”

**Note all children’s names have been changed to keep anonymity and confidentiality.

More notes from parents in the community:

– Arifa

– Candice

– Jenny

– Kelly

– Grace

– “Jack” (6th Grade student)

– Mindy

Are you ready to unlock your family’s deep connection?

When you enroll today you’ll get: 

The Investment:


(which is: $127/month)

“Every day, in a 100 small ways, our children ask, ‘Do you hear me? Do you see me? Do I matter?’ Their behavior often reflects our response.”

~ L.R. Knost

Nice to meet you!

Hi, I’m Thia, and I help empower parents to raise confident kids and have deeper connections within their families so that they can thrive in and out of school.

My mission is to create an everlasting impact on kids and families that live across the globe through making children feel loved, safe and truly seen and heard.

I’m also known as the “child whisperer” because I understand kids’ language, who they are and what they need as individuals. I have a unique gift where I can translate the secret language back to parents and offer clear strategies that work.

I can’t wait to see you in the community!



Frequently Asked Questions

Have some more questions? I’ve got your answers.

You can also sign up for as many rounds as you like! The content grows along with the community.

We will miss you, but understand that life happens. The calls will all be recorded so you can watch the material when it fits with your schedule. And if you have a question you want Thia to answer at office hours be sure to email it to her so she can address it on the call for you.

I have been a teacher for over 12 years and have supported many families in navigating both academic challenges and everyday life with their children. If you have specific questions, I’d be happy to hop on a call with you to discuss them.

No problem! You will have the opportunity to re-enroll in the community for as long as you like.

Click here to join now.

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This community is a good fit for you, if …


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